Dr Don: Jesus says, “I will put My ekklesia together. Hell’s positioned authorities will not be able to withstand that expansion.” The term He uses means “called together into assembly.” The King of the kingdom calls together His assembled citizens to function in kingdom authority.
The church isn’t called out the world but assembled from within the kingdom. You get into the kingdom when you are born anew. Born of Spirit, you can live and lead SpiritFirst. Born anew puts into a new spiritual reality of spiritual authority in which you become part of the leadership strategy of Jesus Christ to take over the world.
You know we have a problem when hell’s gates aren’t giving way. The Ecclesia moving forward displaces hell’s entrenched positions of influence and authority in the culture.
You know we have a problem when Jesus calls together and believers stay home cause they think they already “went to church last Sunday.” Find a place on earth where believers assemble because Jesus called them together to exercise kingdom authority and the ground will shake, hell will uproot, atmosphere will change, and the culture will transform.
You attend because you must “follow” to be “discipled.” You are discipled so you can lead like a kingdom leader wherever you live and whatever you do. You don’t learn to be a good attender and you don’t follow to become a good follower. You follow so you can become a leader and you keep on following so you can lead the culture into kingdom. You follow to learn kingdom principles, protocols, and power.
You know you have a problem when men build churches instead of establishing God’s kingdom. The concept is: if we build churches, Jesus will take care of kingdom. And, that is exactly opposite of what Jesus says. Jesus says, You establish kingdom and I’ll build My ekklesia. Jesus say, “I have all authority so continue this journey we’ve been on and disciple cultures, teach them what I taught you, mark them through baptism into the Name and Authority of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I’m with you all the time, fully involved in what you are doing.”
He’s involved, but we are doing it. You get born again to enter the kingdom, not the church. Baptism marks your sincerity, not your accumulation. Teaching isn’t about truth about the Truth doctrinal systems that always exaggerate Truth in ways that diminish His Message.
Yes, I am saying that we’ve been doing it backwards, sideways, an upside down. But, I’m also saying that what we need to reset the kingdom isn’t even that hard