Kundalini and Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit and the kundalini spirit are not the same, similar, or confusingly alike. In spite of some smear efforts by disgruntled people and leaders who are simply offended and filled with revenge and hatred, the comparisons made between them do not stand up to valid experience or to Scripture. The concept that some spirit is “invading Christianity” is simpleminded at best and purposefully ignorant at the worst.

The kundalini spirit is a demonic spirit with feminine character that is worshipped broadly and applied to yoga and other forms of mysticism. The fact that this demon exhibits and manifests some actions and activity that appear – appear – to resemble manifestations of some people who are touched by Holy Spirit has little or nothing to do with anything. It certainly doesn’t prove that the Church is being invaded by some spirit.

One poorly-conceived hatchet job video that has been circulated by a disgruntled and deposed leader attempts to show these comparison. If we are to accept the fundamentally flawed presuppositions of the producer about “how things work in the Spirit,” we could then apply the actions and activities of people at a play, opera, rock concert, birthday party, lecture series, political rally, or football game to the notion that similarities in personal or crowd reactions and responses prove that a spirit has invaded Christianity.

For example, people applaud at church now. Growing up such behavior was never part of my church experience. People never responded to what was happening in a service by applauding. The first time I experienced this in church, I was appalled! My mother was particularly disenchanted with the idea that people would applaud a song or message or comment in church. People applaud at shows, concerts, lectures, plays, and rallies but they weren’t supposed to respond this way to what was going on in church!

So, are we to assume that his behavior is an invasion of a spirit? Believing this would not be inconsistent with the presuppositions of the video production in terms of “how things work in the spirit.” A person weeps, laughs, falls down, closes their eyes, holds up their hands, jumps, shouts, expresses physically the spiritual reality they are experiencing through their emotions and mind in ways that also have physical expressions – this within itself fails to prove that any of the behavior or lack of it is a manifestation of a demonic spirit.

I can say, “Hhhummmm” fifty time without having any motivation or intention about connecting with the oneness of the universe or releasing some aspect of my inner being because I have no worldview belief system that this is “how things work in the spirit.” If I laugh, weep, jump, shout, shake, or operate in a spiritual gift in private or public, it isn’t because I have been demonized by allowing a leader to lay hands on me.

This is simply superstition at work in offended and misguided people, a form of fear no different from that which the disciples had in the boat when they saw Jesus walking on the water: “It is His ghost!” They were mistaken about “how things work in the spirit” and filled with terror because the actions and behavior of Jesus didn’t fit their experience and offended their minds.

Studying the False More than the True

The mistake that many offended and religiously deceived people make in becoming experts about evil in order to attack and harm people they dislike or hate is studying the false as a means of proving the true. God never asks us to become experts in evil in order to recognize it. He asks us to become experts in the authentic so that the false becomes immediately apparent to us through the same means we know Him and His Word.

The people making these comparisons both say and leave the impression that they have uncovered the deep, dark secret that the people they despise have been using to deceive people, that they are the experts in this great deception because of their understanding of demonic spirits and activities. They wish to believe, say, and impress upon people that they have had their eyes opened through research, and they are sent by God to correct this massive fallacy.

Of course, they went looking for something with which to wound, a weapon to attack what they didn’t like in the first place, and they became experts in evil in order to prove their point. They don’t prove their point at all. What they do is leave the strongest impressions possible that they have uncovered a conspiracy that finally reveals the deep, dark deception of thousands of people following the pied pipers of false revival or something.

We learn from Scripture that people respond differently in times of experiencing God, in ways similar to other behaviors caused by other stimuli, and that there are distinct similarities in behavior by people influenced by evil spirits and people influenced by angels and Holy Spirit. Yet, ignoring these principles, critics whose motivation is to destroy and demean – they have no other real motive like “contending for truth” or “exposing error” as they say – simply wish to make everything they see in people they despise demonic.

For example, people can experience fear and terror as personal reaction to either angels of God or demons of hell. People can experience awe, laughter, anger, obsession, sleep, trance, dream, prophecy, and a host of other experiences, according to Scripture, and the source of these responses and reactions be either from heaven or hell. To say that any experience that causes fear is of the devil would certainly make the story of the shepherds who heard the announcement of angels about the birth of Messiah a strange story even if you attempted to prove they were afraid because they weren’t right with God – convoluted but interesting if you start with being an expert in evil.

Or, take the experience of John the Baptist’s daddy: any spirit that causes a man to be dumb is demonic. Oops! An angel took away his ability to speak until the moment he named the baby “John.”

So, a person falling down, shaking, speaking in tongues, laughing, sleeping, closing their eyes, holding the hand palms up, or all the behaviors people wish to ascribe to a demon in order to “get to the truth” about leaders and revivals they don’t like for whatever reason, are not of God or of the devil either one by the measurement and observation of the response alone. Demons laugh. Angels laugh. The devil laughs. God laughs. Laughter is neither devilish or Divine. It is a respond or reaction based upon some other, deeper motivation and intention.

Can a person have a kundalini spirit? Seems pretty probable given the fact that millions are worshipping at the altar of this spirit. Does this mean that any time a believer has a similar physical response to Holy Spirit that he or she must certainly be demonized by the same spirit? Nope.

Overreaction to the Words “Lying Wonders”

The enemy has done a thorough job on some people about signs and wonders – he has used this verse to convince them that any signs and wonders must be devilish so that people resist what God is doing in the earth or attribute God’s actions to the devil.

Moses and Aaron encountered the power of hell in Egypt when the magicians were able to do what God was doing through them in several instances. The magicians displayed the same manifestations of spiritual power in several ways that were observable enough to convince Pharaoh and others, and the Bible doesn’t say this they didn’t. There came a time when they could no longer keep up and admitted that what was happening through Moses and Aaron was “the finger of God.”

So, in some instances what God was doing and what hell was doing appeared to be the same thing. Yet, what God was doing was a sign and wonder from God while what hell was doing was sourced in evil, a lying wonder. In this circumstance, God didn’t walk away from doing signs and wonders to avoid confusion! God didn’t have a strategy of avoiding lying wonders by ceasing to do signs and wonders at all! “Better play it safe and stop the miracles to keep My people from being confused.”

The critics of spiritual manifestations like to become experts in evil, then use their poorly-conceived conclusions as a basis for saying, “I have the brought you poor dumbies the truth now. You were too caught up in the silliness and fell for the traps, but I’ve had the deeper understanding of Scripture to hold me strong in the face of these lying wonders.”

Here’s a problem they face: The Bible makes it clear that God does signs and wonders. Even though they say the Bible teaches that God changed tactics after the last apostle died, no such wording or even a hint of such a concept exists in the Bible! If you think it does, find it! Such a claim should be rather apparent, easily found, and require little or no commentary and historic explanations of “the testimony of church history.”

Instead, they read a verse from 1 Corinthians 13 that has nothing to do with signs and wonders, apostolic leadership, anointing and revival, and write a commentary consistent with their theory of “how things work in the spirit.” They project through this verse and accompanying texts that say nothing about God retiring from the miracles, signs, and wonders business upon the entire Church, and then have the audacity to declare that anything miracle, sign or wonder is devilish! Whether they know it or not, the devil loves them and their books and messages! The devil is saying, “Thank you for doing my work for me. You guys are the most effective voices I have to discredit God.”


Dr. Don

Dr. Don

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  • Thank you for your article. I have been a Spirit-filled Christian for decades. I have always been concerned about discernment, not wanting anything to do with the demonic but strongly desiring an intimate relationship with my Creator.

    Some things that I see in the church give me pause: soaking, hysterical laughter/crying, shivering/shaking, meditative prayer. I am not sure what to think about these manifestations. I’m still not sure.

    • Dear Catherine—You are very wise to be concerned with exercising discernment with regard to those things you are seeing in the church that “give you pause.” Before the Lord Jesus mercifully saved me in 1993, I had been a certified teacher of Hatha Yoga and meditation, and heavily involved in New Age systems of thought and practice for many years. I had a “kundalini awakening” at the ashram of a Hindu yogi in 1984. I publically surrendered my life to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and was baptized in 1999. I have been given by God the rare opportunity to have experienced both a kundalini awakening prior to salvation, and after salvation, my relationship with God as the indwelling Holy Spirit began. A kundalini awakening constitutes an encounter with a completely uncontrollable, often violent, and decidedly impersonal electrical “energy,” a “Force.” The second, is an encounter with the very real, very personal Spirit of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Those among us who are teaching that kundalini and the Holy Spirit are identical “spirits” are in error. If you would like to dialogue about this topic further, in a more personal manner, I welcome you to feel free to e-mail me at janwinnard@aol.com.

      • That is not true, what you experienced was not Kundalini awakening. The awakening of Kundalini is a very gentle process and only happens in the guidance of a true authorized self-realized teacher not fake gurus who are plenty in modern times and after your money. When this energy is awakened you are filled with deep peace, divine love, and connection with God which is what the meaning of yoga(union) is and not some weird electric experience. A gentle soothing blissful cool breeze fills your body inside and outside and you understand why it is called the cool breeze of the holy spirit, I have experienced it and live that experience every day, I have great love for Christ and now I truly recognize him. Kundalini is the Mother and she is identical with holy spirit. How come in divine trinity there is God the father, God the son but no God the Mother? Only a Mother can give birth, so Kundalini is the force that gives you second birth, She is the Mother the holy spirit who prepares you and takes you to meet the Father when you are ready.

        Christ said that “the Kingdom of God is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it”
        Jesus also said:-
        “If those who lead you say to you: ‘Look, the kingdom is in the sky!’ then the birds of the sky will precede you.
        If they say to you: ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fishes will precede you.
        Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and outside of you.”
        “When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known,
        and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
        But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty.”
        – Gospel of Thomas

        But Church has declared these Gospels apocryphal, the whole idea of knowing yourself has vanished from Christian thought, true Gnostics have disappeared and such things have happened with all religions of this world, true essence is forgotten and people keep on fighting in name of God but there are many who are waking up today and finding in the silence of their own soul the union with divine through the grace of holy spirit (Kundalini) but I agree many charlatans who know nothing about this sacred energy have created lot of confusion in modern time but if your seeking is true and honest you eventually find him, this is a test.

      • Dear Jan – Very interesting to read about this. I had a full-blown kundalini awakening in a period of distress and looking for answers in my life. Unfortunately, someone I was acquianted with did use this period of time to introduce me to the world of the occult when I had no clue what this was and very quick I was very lost in all the strong forced of mythology and symbols on my psyche. From then one I found another teacher within the occult that calmed down this energy, so at the beginning I was quite happy, but then I felt again that I just became a tool (a bit like the theosophical society who intended to build a new ‘Christ’ body).

        I was so sick of all this and started to read the bible and burned all my occult stuff, and I found the presence of the holy spirit opening up in me, but at the same time my body is still working through the chakras and all meridians. As well, there is an energy in me breathing of its own at the bottom of my spine (the psyche that elevates the experience), that delivers this energy through this network.

        Stopping meditation and praying has not changed the wiring completely. However, I really feel difference through the presence of the holy spirit that it ‘cleans’ in a way. So it feels like I have the Holy Spirit but within an occult body or technology.

        So now I come to the point of questions.

        I was wondering if your body was directly filled completely with the holy spirit or did it take time before all the energy rushes and movements where gone after the baptism? As well, how your mind and spirit changed through the holy spirit moving away from understanding the world as pantheism (and that we are connected with everything)?

        Concluding, from my understanding the psyche has to come under full control of christ and god at a certain moment, otherwise you would still be led through the kundalini spirit to a certain degree even if the holy spirit has taken a place in your heart.



    • Good teachings Bro. Don well said and about the applauding scripture do mentions clapping your hands in 47:1-7 and to shout with the voice of triumph so I personally dont think its wrong but at the same time we cannot be just always emotional cause alot of flesh be going on and not a true move of the Holy Spirit

  • Everyone has kundalini latent inside themselves. It is not demonic. It can be awakened when a person starts being interested in the divine. In the east they call it kundalini. In the west the holy spirit. Kundalini is the power Christians feel when they get excited from singing holy hymns and pray. It is the power that religious people are fueled with so God can do His work on them to become fit for heaven. Kali looks scary. Not because it is a demon, but because the energy fiercely removes what is in the way between the person and God. It purifies the person on every level. The energy has a latent intelligence. It knows what its doing. That is probably why they call it kundalini shakti. It is so powerful you can not fight it. You got to trust it, surrender to its will. Letting it heal you. If people read what you write here they may get scared. It doesnt help them to surrender to what is going on at all, to give up their egos for a while so they understand who they truly are. If people feels overwhelmed by the energy and try to hold the energy down they may experience panick attacks because the pressure is so high. It is not pleasent.

    If anyone who reads this have similar experiences and would like to talk about it feel free to contact me on facebook. I had a kundalini awakening myself and I am not possessed by an evil spirit like you say, because all I want is to do Gods will and there is no spirit in me that disagree.

    • Hi Leah,

      I would love to get in touch with you to learn more about your perspective. I have been dealing with this energy for a long time and resisting it out of fear and worried that its evil due to the rage and hatred ive experienced however lately have become more accepting of it and more accepting to work with it as i was in so much pain! Would love to hear your thoughts. Emily x

      • Emily, the fact that you’ve sought this platform and this topic reveal the check in your spirit, which is conviction from the Spirit of God. Do not be willing to “work with it;” whatever “it” is, apart from God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit – they are complete and all we need. Satan seeks to place doubt that we need seek any power apart from the HolySpirit Himself – we do not. The Holy Spirit is the very power of God, the very Spirit that lived in Jesus and the disciples – Satan seeks to distract us from the true power of God in us and through us *to share the gospel*
        What “power” are you seeking in life? Is it for your own good and betterment or is it for God’s glory? At Pentecost, the church WAITED in the upper room for the power of the Holy Spirit which enables them/us to be obedient to God and go and make disciples.
        Peace to you.

        PS – The fruit of the Holy Spirit does not supply rage and anger – this is a good indicator of a counterfeit spirit seeking to take residency in your heart, friend. The Holy Spirit brings us peace and self control, patience. (The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self control. Not that we can strive to fabricate these in and of our own strength and doing, but we seek the ONE who possesses these, gifts them to us, and instills us with the power to walk in them, by the gracious love, help and teaching of the Holy Ghost Himself!)

    • Leah, if all you desire is God’s will and you have fully placed your trust in Jesus Christ as Messiah and Redeemer, in all His completed works, the. this statement seems contradictory: “You got to trust it, surrender to its will. Letting it heal you.” Christ’s atoning work at the cross alone is the source of our healing and wholeness. God’s word says to “test every spirit;” God’s word speaks only of one Holy Spirit, speaks only to surrendering to God the father himself + accepting His son + submitting to and being guided by our teacher and helper, the Holy Spirit. All we need has been fully revealed in scripture; you’ve placed your trust in falseness – I lovingly bid and plead with you to repent and place your trust in nothing but Christ and Christ crucified. There is but one spirit of God, the Holy Spirit.

      1 John 4
      Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit (H)that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and (I)now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and (M)the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. (N)Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

      • Agree, as well, my intepretation of this is that Jesus was understanding the serpent completely so he was never tempted to sin, because he is the son of God. There is some reference in the New Testament that Jesus ressurected in a way as the staff of Mozes (which would only turn as one snake) who showed the Egyptians that there magic has no effect in the presence of the staff of Mozes/God. Looking at the staff of The Egyptians (this is not written in the bible, but it is how the snake is depicted in Gnosticism and ancient Egyptian writing, sometimes called Mercurius or staff of Hermes) whe will see that this is the staff is different with the two snakes which represent the ‘moon’ and the ‘sun’, or ida and pingala, in the terminology of the Indians(Kundalini). This seems to be a staff that prefers creation over the created, it is sun and moon worship, see collosians 2.8.

        here is the quote of the New Testament by the way:

        So Jesus tells Nicodemus (3:14-15), “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.”

        To repeat again this staff of Mozes and resurrection shows the freedom of sin, it is contrary to become like gods, which is depicted in the gnostic and Indian thought.



  • Don’t discount someone’s religious experience simply because it does not exactly match your own. This article is the most un-loving, closed-minded and FEAR-based piece of drivel I have read in a while.

    Thank you for reminding me of the reasons I left the church. I love Jesus, but I do NOT love your brand of “love.” It’s not of God.

  • Sorry I don’t agree with you either.
    I have finally healed my childhood traumas thanks to going along with this, and have also learned to be more forgiving, accepting, loving and patient with others and myself, and I can only be grateful.

    This article is borne out of egotistical dogma, which is just not what Jesus was about.

  • The problem with academic refutations is that spiritual reality is hard to quantify. While the Bible does a great job of giving us
    tremendous insights, it is the gentle spiritual guidance that brings us to His presence. I came to this by way of kundalini, and while there is a difference, the kundalini is and of itself, a vehicle to higher realms of creation. It is hard to understand but the experience that I have had were very high and could never be understood by our minds, since it is a spiritual energy that is on a different level.
    Originally Protestant upbrining, my experiences gave me pause when I experienced prayers in a spiritual state which were coming towards me, kind of like a light within a fog or something; resisting this resulted in a group of monks not purchasing the building next door; they were waiting for the Pope to give them a check, and for some reason they missed contacting him. To my mind, it was my resistance that did that, and happened at the same time. So you could say that this level of spirit is much higher than our human existence or understanding. God is vast and different experiences come to different people; this cannot be understood on our experiential level. They are of the same family if they are different, perhaps the Holy Spirit comes from outside of us; but the way to reach it is internally thru thoughts, prayers and experiences that give rise to emotions. This aspect is the same and uses the same faculties that ignite the kundalini. In that respect, this is the same phenomena. Perhaps the end experience is different.


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