Dr. Don's Blog

Creating a legacy of awakening.

Taken-Over Leadership – Jacob

By Dr. Don | October 24, 2010

To be a takeover leader, you must be taken-over. Something bigger than you, outside of you, must take over your highest values, deepest trust, and strongest motivations. You are giving your life to what is highest, and locating your values and valuables in what you love. The first choices of life are matters of the […]

Taken-Over Leadership – Jacob

By Dr. Don | October 24, 2010

To be a takeover leader, you must be taken-over. Something bigger than you, outside of you, must take over your highest values, deepest trust, and strongest motivations. You are giving your life to what is highest, and locating your values and valuables in what you love. The first choices of life are matters of the […]

TakeOver Leadership – Isaiah

By Dr. Don | October 19, 2010

I was talking more about Joshua last week on this subject. This week I’m more focused upon Isaiah. I’ve always wondered about the experience of Isaiah because of the context in which the prophet frames that experience. “In the year King Uzziah died…” I believe this is more than a chronological frame of reference. Something […]

TakeOver Leadership – Isaiah

By Dr. Don | October 19, 2010

I was talking more about Joshua last week on this subject. This week I’m more focused upon Isaiah. I’ve always wondered about the experience of Isaiah because of the context in which the prophet frames that experience. “In the year King Uzziah died…” I believe this is more than a chronological frame of reference. Something […]

Divine Passion, Human Passion: How to Identity the Motivations of Agape Love

By Dr. Don | October 13, 2010

You can discern the difference between God’s passionate love and your own. God is not anointing your love with His; He is displacing your love through your surrender of your love to Him. When you love the Lord your God with all, the surrender of that worship and obedience sets you up for a greater […]

Divine Passion, Human Passion: How to Identity the Motivations of Agape Love

By Dr. Don | October 13, 2010

You can discern the difference between God’s passionate love and your own. God is not anointing your love with His; He is displacing your love through your surrender of your love to Him. When you love the Lord your God with all, the surrender of that worship and obedience sets you up for a greater […]

Warship and Trust

By Dr. Don | October 11, 2010

Psalm 106:12 – “Then they believed His words were true and broke out in songs of praise.” [The Message] The word “then” has some sense of “finally they get it” and “finally they are ready to trust what God says is true.” The New Living Translation says: “Then at last his people believed his promises. […]

Warship and Trust

By Dr. Don | October 11, 2010

Psalm 106:12 – “Then they believed His words were true and broke out in songs of praise.” [The Message] The word “then” has some sense of “finally they get it” and “finally they are ready to trust what God says is true.” The New Living Translation says: “Then at last his people believed his promises. […]

I Believe Revival is Here!

By Dr. Don | October 8, 2010

Revival is Here! Revival discussions that center upon defining revival, “true revival,” Biblical revival, or whatever label the analysis provides, usually miss the point because the objective is to define “revival.” Revival is like Glory: you cannot define it, only experience it. Usually, those seeking to define revival are seeking to position themselves as people […]

I Believe Revival is Here!

By Dr. Don | October 8, 2010

Revival is Here! Revival discussions that center upon defining revival, “true revival,” Biblical revival, or whatever label the analysis provides, usually miss the point because the objective is to define “revival.” Revival is like Glory: you cannot define it, only experience it. Usually, those seeking to define revival are seeking to position themselves as people […]

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