Dr. Don's Blog

Creating a legacy of awakening.

The New Era Reformation and Renaissance

By Dr. Don | November 4, 2019

Modern church-growthism cannot be judged any less guilty of syncretism than Dark Ages Roman error. By combining Renaissance thinking and humanism – the autonomy of Man – with its contemporary, limited “authority of the Bible” hodge-podge. Blending existing culture into church-anity is the opposite of kingdom culture. You will find this basic to church-growthism but contrary to the strategy of the King.

Kingdom Glory: Here and Now

By Dr. Don | November 1, 2019

The “Not Yet, but Later” idea misses the entire point about the kingdom of God. It says the spiritual kingdom is not as real as the physical manifestation of the spiritual kingdom. That kingdom will always be spiritual with a physical manifestation. The issue at present isn’t whether or not we have the kingdom or the manifestation of the fullness of the kingdom, but the hiddenness of the glory of the kingdom. We must discuss the influence of the kingdom of God in the Earth as a kingdom instead of ignoring the kingdom of God as if “church” substitutes for it until the physical return of the King.

Financial Support of Kingdom Leaders

By Dr. Don | October 31, 2019

After carefully surveying the Bible’s statements and presuppositions, practices of Jesus, originating apostles, and kingdom leaders in regional Ecclesiae, the New Covenant revelations are more apparent to me.


By Dr. Don | September 21, 2019

I saw in the Spirit a kingdom-wide movement to capitalize the greatest harvest of history.

Original Ekklesia Was Not a House Church Movement

By Dr. Don | September 21, 2019

To mature the restoration into her New Era Reformation, we must purge the leaven of church-growthism from our understanding of the design and definition of ekklesia.

Follow or Fallow

By Dr. Don | September 19, 2019

When it comes to a mantle, you are tested for your following, not for calling. If you are with me, you will receive. You can be called and experience a mantle, but you must follow to wear a mantle. The measurement of the mantle comes in the following.

Ministry and Money

By Dr. Don | September 12, 2019

Honor includes monetary investment. Honor is value. Honor is not exclusively commodified. That is, honor is not for sale, but it is worthy of offering. A kingdom leader is not for sale. He cannot be given proper monetary value. While some kingdom leaders set a price for doing a certain thing, the value of a […]

During the Storm, Exposure Occurs

By Dr. Don | September 6, 2019

God is not in control. God is in charge. That means what God starts He finishes, and what the devil starts, God finishes. God usurps the usurper. God does not remove the usurper. God usurps the usurper. God usurps the usurper through His representatives.

Prophets Take Big Risks

By Dr. Don | September 5, 2019

Rattling off your impressions as an immature prophetically-gifted person, and what I’m talking about in this article are not the same thing.

Spiritual Shock and the Growing Pile of the Unresolved

By Dr. Don | September 4, 2019

The pile of the “unresolved” will grow in my soul if I do not submit to leaders who can diagnosis and disassemble the “unresolved.”

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