Dr. Don's Blog

Creating a legacy of awakening.

Brasilian Opportunity

By Dr. Don | September 7, 2015

Now is the time to expand our facilities in Brasil! Our currency advantage gives us historic opportunities and a buyer’s market exists here that provides us an open door to expand! We need to raise $250,000 now to capitalize this expansion. The facility would be available to train Brasilian revival leaders. Without hype, I can […]

Celebrating Your Marriage: Coming in 2016

By Dr. Don | September 2, 2015

In 2016, Dr Don and Ruthanne Lynch intend to host some really powerful and personal marriage encounters designed “to celebrate your marriage.” You may receive an invitation to a wedding that gives the time and location, but the marriage to be celebrated will be your own! “Leave and cleave” are the old English words used […]

Celebrating Your Marriage: Coming in 2016

By Dr. Don | September 2, 2015

In 2016, Dr Don and Ruthanne Lynch intend to host some really powerful and personal marriage encounters designed “to celebrate your marriage.” You may receive an invitation to a wedding that gives the time and location, but the marriage to be celebrated will be your own! “Leave and cleave” are the old English words used […]

Seasonal Harvest Comes to America: Will America Survive this Autumn?

By Dr. Don | September 2, 2015

First, let’s answer that question: Will America Survive This Autumn? Yes, but America will never be the same again. To understand what is happening right now that will reach a kind of critical mass in September and October, refresh your memory on the idea of final harvest and seasonal harvest. America is not in Final […]

Seasonal Harvest Comes to America: Will America Survive this Autumn?

By Dr. Don | September 2, 2015

First, let’s answer that question: Will America Survive This Autumn? Yes, but America will never be the same again. To understand what is happening right now that will reach a kind of critical mass in September and October, refresh your memory on the idea of final harvest and seasonal harvest. America is not in Final […]

Blacksmiths At Ziklag, A Message for Brasil [Repost]

By Dr. Don | August 29, 2015

“I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons of destruction. And I have created the armies that destroy.” (Isaiah 54:16) “The following men joined David at Ziklag while he was hiding from Saul son of Kish. They were among the warriors who fought beside David in battle. […]

Blacksmiths At Ziklag, A Message for Brasil [Repost]

By Dr. Don | August 29, 2015

“I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons of destruction. And I have created the armies that destroy.” (Isaiah 54:16) “The following men joined David at Ziklag while he was hiding from Saul son of Kish. They were among the warriors who fought beside David in battle. […]

Equipping the Saints

By Dr. Don | August 26, 2015

If you begin with the modern definition of “church,” you end up with a picture of “equipping” that Paul would not recognize as consistent with this Scripture. Paul would ask, “Nice, but where’s the Ephesians 4 implementation I wrote about in Ephesians 4?”

Equipping the Saints

By Dr. Don | August 26, 2015

If you begin with the modern definition of “church,” you end up with a picture of “equipping” that Paul would not recognize as consistent with this Scripture. Paul would ask, “Nice, but where’s the Ephesians 4 implementation I wrote about in Ephesians 4?”

Will America Survive This Autumn?

By Dr. Don | August 22, 2015

Seasonal harvest will mean that we experienced the highest the kingdom can produce, a new level of power, holiness, wisdom, revelation, effectiveness, and worship becomes available, and Glory overshadows the kingdom! God will harvest seeds planted at this nation’s founding by godly men and women, planted at Azusa Street, planted in previous Awakenings, planted by generations of Biblical, kingdom Gospel preaching, planted by billions of dollars sown into the nations for kingdom purposes, and sown by God Himself into this land for His covenant purposes!

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