The Kingdom of God is a spiritual reality, and this reality is based upon leadership: God’s leadership. God’s leadership is evidenced by Creation itself. Jesus accepted responsibility and received authority to Create all things. Both Colossians and Hebrews make it clear that Jesus is the Agent of the Godhead in creating all and is fully […]
The Kingdom of God is a spiritual reality, and this reality is based upon leadership: God’s leadership. God’s leadership is evidenced by Creation itself. Jesus accepted responsibility and received authority to Create all things. Both Colossians and Hebrews make it clear that Jesus is the Agent of the Godhead in creating all and is fully […]
In FreedomMinistry International, we often observe that human behaviors show patterns and that patterns produce cycles of behaviors. These behavior cycles are predicable in the sense that we can observe that a new cycle is beginning or to some extent where a person is in the observable cycle. Breaking cycles of behavior are basic to […]
In FreedomMinistry International, we often observe that human behaviors show patterns and that patterns produce cycles of behaviors. These behavior cycles are predicable in the sense that we can observe that a new cycle is beginning or to some extent where a person is in the observable cycle. Breaking cycles of behavior are basic to […]
Holy Spirit grants each believer with spiritual capacities consistent with their calling and created disposition. Living the SpiritFirst lifestyle means prioritizing these capacities in every aspect of life so that the created disposition and calling upon our lives have a spiritual source of enabling capacity that taps into God’s agenda. Romans 12 gives us a […]
At the core of our beliefs, we embrace grace. In the consequences of embracing grace, we manifest grace through gifts. For some, the consequences of grace disappear right after they get into “unmerited favor.” On God’s part, grace has consequences that manifest every day in the ways that we function in every area of our […]
David, a great leader and champion, had a glaring personal failure with Bathsheba that involved deadly conspiracy and personal judgment for the entire nation. I believe this wound came at the time of his greatest victory of Goliath: David had an unhealed wound with women that struck his heart as a young vulnerable man because […]
Most of the revelation a believer receives involves a relationship with Holy Spirit who is teaching, guiding, comforting, rebuking, and assigning. This is the majority of revelation: God sharing His secrets and being God in a believer’s life. Most specific revelation comes as part of the “assigning,” and most of that should be considered an […]
Most of the revelation a believer receives involves a relationship with Holy Spirit who is teaching, guiding, comforting, rebuking, and assigning. This is the majority of revelation: God sharing His secrets and being God in a believer’s life. Most specific revelation comes as part of the “assigning,” and most of that should be considered an […]
Disposition is a personality tendency, an habitual way of processing experience and responding to life. Akin to “temperament” that originally was studied with the worldview that the stars or planets had determining influence upon human behaviors. The words all have their etymological foundations in this erroneous worldview, but we now use the terms to speak […]