Dr. Don's Blog

Creating a legacy of awakening.

Ecclesia: Original Design

By Dr. Don | February 21, 2012

Jesus used this Greek term, ekklesia, [Greek word] in describing what He was building. He builds it on the Father’s revelation that He is the Son of God. That is, ecclesia [English word] is built upon the revelation of Jesus as God’s Son. The testimony of Jesus is the prophetic spirit: Who He is prophesies […]

Ecclesia: Original Design

By Dr. Don | February 21, 2012

Jesus used this Greek term, ekklesia, [Greek word] in describing what He was building. He builds it on the Father’s revelation that He is the Son of God. That is, ecclesia [English word] is built upon the revelation of Jesus as God’s Son. The testimony of Jesus is the prophetic spirit: Who He is prophesies […]

The Test of Mystery

By Dr. Don | February 14, 2012

Our trust in God must be complete for us to experience completeness. A pathway of progressive perplexity pushes us toward profounder surrender. Expanded revelation opens our lives to more mystery; the more we learn, the more we realize we don’t much. The more answers we receive, the more questions we have because we have enough […]

The Test of Mystery

By Dr. Don | February 14, 2012

Our trust in God must be complete for us to experience completeness. A pathway of progressive perplexity pushes us toward profounder surrender. Expanded revelation opens our lives to more mystery; the more we learn, the more we realize we don’t much. The more answers we receive, the more questions we have because we have enough […]

Rants on HealthCare and Freedom

By Dr. Don | February 10, 2012

Let me say up front that any government healthcare regulation or policy that restricts the free exercise of religious belief is blatantly and treasonably unconstitutional. Simple as that. ‘Nuff said. Careful consideration of the present dialogue about access to “birth control” and forcing religious institutions to pay for it, provide it, and support it, by […]

Rants on HealthCare and Freedom

By Dr. Don | February 10, 2012

Let me say up front that any government healthcare regulation or policy that restricts the free exercise of religious belief is blatantly and treasonably unconstitutional. Simple as that. ‘Nuff said. Careful consideration of the present dialogue about access to “birth control” and forcing religious institutions to pay for it, provide it, and support it, by […]

Ecclesia with International Authority

By Dr. Don | February 9, 2012

The ecclesia is called together from the kingdom, not the world; ecclesia is called together to receive an assignment and the authority to fulfill that assignment on behalf of the Kingdom of God. The function of the ecclesia is governmental and kingdom cultural, establishing and expanding kingdom authority and culture. In this mode it is […]

Ecclesia with International Authority

By Dr. Don | February 9, 2012

The ecclesia is called together from the kingdom, not the world; ecclesia is called together to receive an assignment and the authority to fulfill that assignment on behalf of the Kingdom of God. The function of the ecclesia is governmental and kingdom cultural, establishing and expanding kingdom authority and culture. In this mode it is […]

Entitlement and Mercy

By Dr. Don | January 23, 2012

I have some musing on the subject of entitlement and mercy: simply put, God doesn’t entitle us to stuff even as His children. He treats as true children and we must respond as true children. His covenant with us guarantees the availability of stuff, but not entitlement to stuff. Most people get mercy and grace […]

Entitlement and Mercy

By Dr. Don | January 23, 2012

I have some musing on the subject of entitlement and mercy: simply put, God doesn’t entitle us to stuff even as His children. He treats as true children and we must respond as true children. His covenant with us guarantees the availability of stuff, but not entitlement to stuff. Most people get mercy and grace […]

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