“Many teachers but not many fathers…” Fathers speak of origination, inheritance, DNA, and trans-generational purpose. Fathers properly produce through covenant. Father develop inheritors from true sons and daughters. Destiny discovery and fulfillment is one of the most vital and personal purposes of a fathering strategy. God designed destiny fulfillment with a fathering dynamic: “Train up […]
Category: discipling
Living the Dream: Matching Your Dreams with Your Destiny
Dream literally means “sleep vision.” The oldest English form of the words means “joy, mirth, and music.” The other peek-English forms follow along the lines of “vision, deception, imaginations of a sleeping person,” and references to music, noise, and merriment. Perhaps, some of the words blend in a sense of drunkenness. At any rate, the […]
Not Many Fathers
…but you can have more than one. The kingdom is full of fathers, so you will be rubbing shoulders with fathers all the time. You can receive from many fathers even as you will also have assigned fathers. Forefathers Fathers of the faith touch our lives even after they are gone! Their mantles remain – […]
The Process of Giving
Giving is a process more than an individual action, attitude, or activity. Giving begins with receiving, of course, else I would have nothing to give. Jesus says, “It is more blessed to give than receive” because receiving is a blessing. Giving is more blessed than receiving. Giving takes receiving up a notch and pushes through […]
Maturing the Apostolic and Prophetic
We are in a season of maturing the apostolic and prophetic foundations that Jesus has restored to the kingdom. We’ve invested a lot of energy in the discussion and defense of the restoration, and now we must turn our attention and invest in maturing what has been restored. This maturing process is absolutely necessary, not […]
Personal Leadership – Kingdom Leadership
The Kingdom of God is a spiritual reality, and this reality is based upon leadership: God’s leadership. God’s leadership is evidenced by Creation itself. Jesus accepted responsibility and received authority to Create all things. Both Colossians and Hebrews make it clear that Jesus is the Agent of the Godhead in creating all and is fully […]
Behavior Patterns that Create Cycles
In FreedomMinistry International, we often observe that human behaviors show patterns and that patterns produce cycles of behaviors. These behavior cycles are predicable in the sense that we can observe that a new cycle is beginning or to some extent where a person is in the observable cycle. Breaking cycles of behavior are basic to […]
Unforced Errors: Don’t Beat Yourself
An “unforced error” in competition usually refers to something one participant does that has nothing to do with their opponent’s strategy, actions, or skill set. In tennis this could be a serve that faults: nothing the opponent does causes this to happen. Often, even great champions beat themselves more than a worthy opponent defeats them. […]
Personal Awakening Revival – PAR
Apostles and prophets see the broad picture – in different ways and from different perspectives – but they see the end result that 98% of the people do not see. While prophetic and apostolic people do experience things spiritually that allow them to catch the vision at some level, to some extent, the broader foundational […]
Mind Battles
In any case, when God says He will renew the mind, He isn’t talking about brain surgery.
Maturity Comes through Leaders
Jesus gave the kingdom assemblies a leadership strategy to bring His people and the called together assembly into maturity.
Leviathan: Systematic Spiritual Delusion
God authorizes through assignments and alignments. Once apostles receive assignment, God will bring others into alignment with their assignment. Authority flows toward assignment: you have the authority of your assignment, and aligning with apostolic assignments positions you to function in that authority. All authority comes from the King and flows toward His assignments. As Head […]
Jacob’s Identity Crisis at Jabbok
Jacob arrives at Jabbok to face the source of his fear and guilt. Jacob has a prophetic promise to be the inheritor of Abraham’s covenant with God. He has the right to the covenant with God, but he will be prepared as an inheritor at Jabbok. Jabbok means “emptying out.” It is a brook that […]
Let’s Review our Prophetic Protocols Basics
We need to go back to basics with prophetic protocols. Really! We have to revisit the simplest aspects of revelatory experience. A season of maturing must come, and we must begin a proper dialogue of how prophetic ministry functions. We need to get a basic discussion going about the intentions of God in revelation, the […]
Elisha’s Preparation For Elijah’s Mantle
Many mistake discipling with following. Simply put, you must follow in order to be discipled.