You see this Judas spirit, a term we use to describe the betrayal actions and activities of an inner circle leader who turns tailcoat on his assignment, worked against every one of them, and at times had revealed identical sentiments in their hearts that drove Iscariot’s son into actions of hellish consequences.
Category: Ecclesia
Ephesians 4: “Prepare and Position”
The process produces a Body that measures up to the Head in stature, and until it measures up to the Head in the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, it remains far too weak to have “increased with respect to the Head.”
Word for Memphis Region
“Surely, I have set up a roadblock, a mercy barrier, in this region. Too many were walking into destruction and death, so I set up a roadblock to curb their rush to disaster. The roadblock completely closed the way forward, a dead end. The Remnant has been forming in this cul-de-sac. As Israel was detoured […]
Leviathan: Systematic Spiritual Delusion
God authorizes through assignments and alignments. Once apostles receive assignment, God will bring others into alignment with their assignment. Authority flows toward assignment: you have the authority of your assignment, and aligning with apostolic assignments positions you to function in that authority. All authority comes from the King and flows toward His assignments. As Head […]
Elisha’s Preparation For Elijah’s Mantle
Many mistake discipling with following. Simply put, you must follow in order to be discipled.