Category: General

7 Mountains or Kingdom Gates?

Not Dominionism At All I do not teach dominion theology, and dominion theology is not the theology of the apostolic restoration. While I did listen to many Reconstructionist Calvinist in the Seventies and Eighties because of their influence upon the Christian Education, pro-life, and society or cultural transformation movements (so-called), I was never a Calvinist […]

Fathers Produce Endurance

Fathers Produce Strength of Will Hebrews 12 presupposes three fathering leaders: Father in Heaven, natural fathers, and spiritual fathers. The chapter addresses natural and spiritual fathers and those for whom they provide fathering leadership. It compares Father’s approach to maturing inheritors with physical and spiritual fathers. It sets Father’s discipline as the context for natural and […]

Solving Authentic Fathering Issues

Solving Authentic Fathering Issues Ar

Let me begin by saying that counterfeits for authentic fathering abound. “You have an unlimited number of teachers, but you do not have many fathers” (1 Corinthians 4:15). Several forms of leadership, relabeled with the buzzword, now claim to be fathering when they are Pharaoh. Several other forms of teaching are claiming to father when […]

As It is in Heaven

As It is in Heaven Dr Don Suit Gold Banner

The Conditions Around God The word “circumstance” is a compound word. “Circum” or circle means “what is around you.” “Stance” means “the way things are.” Circumstance means “the way things are around you.” In involved worship and intercession, we rise into the circumstances around the Throne of God and bring the circumstances that surround God […]

Set Man is a Set Up

Set Man is a Set Up Ar

Popular discussions of covering, leadership, and ministry models say that God always sets a man in place. Everything in that move of God eventually rises to that set man’s leadership. Is this a Bible model? Does it prove itself successful in real life and history? Or, does the Bible send a representative with a blueprint […]

The Vision of the Chessboard: A Strategic Apostolic Message for the Kingdom

The Vision of the Chessboard: A Strategic Apostolic Message for the Kingdom Ar

In the vision, I am looking at a chessboard. The board is the basis for a revelatory understanding of the kingdom game plan. The board game is chess. The revelation does not necessarily answer to the rules of that game but the revelation picture God uses the board and pieces to reveal. Get into Position […]

The New Era Reformation and the Roaring Twenties

The New Era Reformation and the Roaring Twenties Lynch Djl Fountain

All kingdom leaders function prophetically. This creates a general confusion about prophets because all elders function with revelatory capacity or charismata. Next thing you know, everyone thinks they are a prophet or everything they do and say is “prophetic.” We now have teaching that is “prophetic” when it just teaching taught by someone with prophetic […]

Report or Rebel: Apostolic Order in the Kingdom Culture

Report or Rebel: Apostolic Order in the Kingdom Culture Ar

“You Will Do Greater” is Implementation You will notice that Paul and other apostles give up nothing of their metron of authority and responsibility to eldering leaders. They delegate to eldering leaders, but delegation expands authority and responsibility. Delegation never dismisses authority and responsibility. It extends it. Delegation changes the role of a leader because […]

A Word for Brasil from Dr Don Lynch

A Word for Brasil from Dr Don Lynch 41970961 1444115602399847 648650201837338624 O

Mercy has shouted louder than judgment. God has roared from Zion in answer to intercession in your nation. Do not forget that God has done this. You do not have the victory, you have the opportunity God’s mercy provides. Mercy is “time as opportunity.” It is now that you begin the kingdom conquest that secures […]

The Operation of Kingdom Keys In Kingdom Ecclesia

The Operation of Kingdom Keys In Kingdom Ecclesia Ar

Do the kingdom keys operate on Earth to establish Heaven’s preapproved decisions? Or, do they operate to establish by kingdom on Earth what God already decided in Heaven? Or, does Jesus say He will agree with what His Ecclesia decides on Earth because He will back up His representatives? This discussion is all over the […]

Principles, Experience, and Expertise: Eldering and Fathering Leadership

Principles, Experience, and Expertise: Eldering and Fathering Leadership Lynch Djl Fountain

Waking up this morning, eyes barely open to the harsh morning glare demanding I do something with my life, God says, “When I teach you a principle, I illustrate it with one application so you understand the principle. This does not mean you understand the principle in every application or implementation. As a fathering leader, […]

A Challenge for a New Worship Sound in a New Era

A Challenge for a New Worship Sound in a New Era 24

Giants are falling! The heads of giants are going on tour. People will be convinced that victory is here. The army that once stood on the hillside watching, intimidated by the monster, sent to battle without weapons, is now awakened. They ran down the army of the giant and captured their weapons. This win puts […]

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