Category: General

Identity: Ministry, Marriage, and Family

An observable pattern in ministry often reveals a pathology in the leaders: many ministry marriages and families fail to the point of discrediting or destroying ministry, and many ministry leaders ignore the more important and fundamental foundations upon which kingdom leadership rests. For example, a preponderance of leaders who find identity in ministry undermine the […]

Reconciliation and Restoration, Matthew 18 and more…

You know you have kingdom cultural problem when the basis for relationship reconciliation and restoration has no basis in principle, procedure, or protocol. Reading the analysis of commentators and pundits on the breach between Barnabas and Paul over John Mark, one would think their relationship met a suddenly when it would be more consistent to […]

Reconciliation and Restoration

You know you have kingdom cultural problem when the basis for relationship reconciliation and restoration has no basis in principle, procedure, or protocol. Reading the analysis of commentators and pundits on the breach between Barnabas and Paul over John Mark, one would think their relationship met a suddenly when it would be more consistent to […]

Prophetic Word, 2017, The New Era of Pioneering

  Representation Anticipating this Era, a revelation of kingdom leadership dynamics brings emphasis to ministry of Jesus. Kingdom on earth represents kingdom in heaven. Jesus represents the Father on earth to reestablish representation between heaven and earth. Jesus prepares and positions His representatives who operate in the earth from His representation at the Father’s Right. […]

In the Seven Years of Plenty, 2016-17

Wealth of the Wicked Stored Up Isaiah pictures what is available in the atmosphere as rain in ways that help us understand how God changes the conditions to release. A desert atmosphere contains a reservoir but the conditions distribute the moisture so randomly that it seldom produces rain. Water is available but the conditions don’t […]

Dealing with Leviathan: A Leviathan Strategy

God authorizes apostles to represent Him through assignments and alignments. Once apostles receive assignment, God brings others into alignment with their assignments. Authority flows toward assignment–you have the authority of your assignment—aligning with apostolic assignments positions you to function in that authority as the apostle functions in his. All authority comes from the King and […]

The Prophetic Prayer Meeting

When establishing a prophetic atmosphere in which revelation becomes more easily heard or seen, we always begin with intercession. We begin with aggressive, intense, and prolonged seasons of praying in the Spirit. We pray in the Spirit for one hour, intensely. Even though some people cannot sustain praying in the Spirit more than ten or […]

Spiritual Worship

God creates worship; worshippers release worship. Worship comes from heaven. Authentic worshippers release worship God creates into the earth. Authentic worshippers are the sacrifice Father is looking for, and when He finds this kind of worshipper, He releases what He’s created through them as “spirit and truth” worship. Their spiritual worship engages the reality of […]

Moving From Preparation into Awakening

God wants everybody but He never starts with everybody. He starts with a remnant and remnant start with leaders. More specifically, He starts with Remnant leaders. Remnant leaders function as forerunners. To identify the next season properly, we must identify the forerunner anointing preparing the Lord a people who will be ready to respond when […]

Sign Up for Some Sifting!

Jesus tells Simon Peter that satan has demanded to sift the entire group of disciples but He has prayed for Simon to bring restoration after the sifting is over. The process of sifting is actually positive in process and end result, but it is does involve some violent shaking to expose the distinctly different elements […]

Apostolic Order and Leviathan Systematic Delusion

God authorizes through assignments and alignments. Once apostles receive assignment, God will bring others into alignment with their assignment. Authority flows toward assignment: you have the authority of your assignment, and aligning with apostolic assignments positions you to function in that authority. All authority comes from the King and flows toward His assignments. As Head […]

Sifting the Remnant

Jesus tells Simon Peter that satan has demanded to sift the entire group of disciples but He has prayed for Simon to bring restoration after the sifting is over. The process of sifting is actually positive in process and end result, but it is does involve some violent shaking to expose the distinctly different elements […]

Bless; Curse Not

“Bless those that persecute you. Bless and curse not.” [Romans 12:14] First, persecution means “chasing after in order to apprehend.” A lot of the “persecution” people clamor about, ain’t persecution. Persecution is a process, not a correction or negative comment. A kingdom leader correcting you isn’t persecution! Your mother-in-law telling you how to take care […]

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