Category: General

Elisha’s Preparation for a Mantle

Elisha reaches down and picks up an available mantle. He is in the right place at the right time. By enduring. By focused commitment to preparation. By following Elijah, he is there to be discipled by Elijah, prepared for the moment he will function. Many mistake discipling with following. Simply put, you must follow in […]

Glamorized Ministry

When you glamorize ministry, you must increase the glam to maintain it. You gotta drop more balloons from the ceiling, raise more dead people next year, fill a bigger stadium, contract a bigger band or more famous performers. Your anointing has to be throw more bodies to the walls. Glamor is a dead end. Get it off your soul!

Judgment is God and Good

I would like to think we could just talk about the definition of terms and the meaning of words, and mostly, to be Biblical in our approach instead of smashing about with unresolved slogans. Old Testament and New Testament comparisons of “judgment” seldom address the real difference between before and after the Cross. The reality […]

Honor and Inheritance

Honor releases anointing. Dishonor always limits us from receiving what Jesus has sent us. Honor releases what Jesus sends through leaders. Dishonor limits what He sends us. We often demand Jesus give us directly what He has designed for us to receive through leaders. We dishonor His leadership when we dishonor His strategy for leadership. […]


Comparable words, apostello and pempein, “to send,” reveal two fundamentals concepts: “being sent to originate and being sent to finish what was started.” Especially for John, the idea of being sent links Jesus to the Father as His Representative. The words are common in natural life, of course, but take on a special meaning when […]

Some Words on Testing Prophecy

God’s concern for the prophetic is both maturity and authenticity. The first principle might be summed up in the phrase, “The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet.” The second principle might be summed up in the phrase, “Many false prophets will arise to distract and draw away God’s people.” God’s perspective on […]

Operation PineTree

Jacksonville is the “River City” because the St John’s divides the downtown and dominates the landscape and directional characteristics of the area. Beginning in the marsh lands in the middle of Florida, the river runs north. When it arrives at Duval County, it begins to take over, opening a wide expansion of water as it […]

Kingdom Ecclesia

[Following up on previous posts concerning Jesus’ use of the word, ekklesia, in reference to His kingdom, and how what Jesus says and what modern churchanity assumes varies in massive ways, I wish to consider how to define Ecclesia in terms of assignment, location, coverage of a region, and kingdom legislative function.] We know that Ecclesia […]

Identity and Ministry

Identity comes from the Creator, through revelation – He reveals who He created us to be – not through creativity, through imagination – working to reveal what you imagine in yourself through your own imaging as if what you can do or say revealing who you were created to be. Doing miracles, as Jesus does, […]

Enforcing God’s Decisions

Jude says God has already long ago passed judgment. The term in verse 4 is “krima,” the Greek term for judgment decision with emphasis upon the verdict: “A long time ago God recorded His judgment decision about people like this.” God made a decision about people operating in these spiritual conditions, a judgment verdict handed […]

Now, We War!

Why did Paul begin his discussion of God’s weaponry with a clear statement of whom we do not wrestle with? Could we discover in this statement, “We wrestle not with flesh and blood,” a first step to victorious warfare? Or, do we find here a statement that draw strong contrast with the methods, machinery, manpower, […]

Live Right!

Consider the Bible mandate to live godly in this present age. In order to successfully live out this mandate, “God’s grace brings salvation to all, teaching us through discipline to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions so that we live prudently, righteously, and godly in this present age.” [Titus 2:12] While a host of […]

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