The reason the believer wears God’s armor, to represent God in this battle, is because the believers are pressing, pushing, charging, combating, expanding, and displacing; the Ecclesia is on offense, not defense!
Category: General
Implementation: Blueprints Leadership
Implementation of kingdom blueprint construction is the authentic proactive apostolic and prophetic leadership we need. We invest nearly all our energies in preemptive strikes to avoid the enemy’s devices, so we are constantly distracted from our purpose while celebrating our security.
Why Do Evangelicals Like Bernie?
Moderns embrace liberalism to the point of socialism, hate capitalism, because we erased “kingdom of God” from our definitions of church, allowing a redefining of Message that makes what Jesus did and said mean something entirely foreign to the Bible. You might not realize that your denomination or distinctive church doctrine does not believe in […]
A Revival Dream
September 22, 2015 The setting of the dream reminded me of scenes I’ve seen in Colorado Springs and Israel’s Mount Carmel, and we were in a valley-like setting that seemed to combine The Valley of the Gods in Colorado Springs and the view from Mount Carmel. I had the clear-cut impression that the place where […]
Implementation: Blueprint Leadership
The Blueprint Room I once visited a construction company’s offices to review blueprints, and the company had an entire room dedicated to blueprint storage. Large-drawered cabinets dominated the room, clearly marked, collecting a vast museum of proposed and previously constructed building projects. The person I was with went to a drawer and lifted a set […]
Now is the time to expand our facilities in Brasil! Our currency advantage gives us historic opportunities and a buyer’s market exists here that provides us an open door to expand! We need to raise $250,000 now to capitalize this expansion. The facility would be available to train Brasilian revival leaders. Without hype, I can […]
Apostle as Representative, Part 2
We do a disservice to the term, “apostle,” by overwhelmingly embracing Paul to the point of diminishing any and every other apostle. Even though Luke’s writings provide us the best and most complete picture of “apostle” as a person, all apostles are not like Paul. And, our overwhelming embrace of Paul as the master model […]
“Apostle” as Authorized Representation
While there’s nothing wrong with simplistic references to Greek root words in a discussion, we often make complex statements from simplistic dictionary references of root words that really do a disservice to proper interpretation. For example, while there’s nothing wrong with continuing to discuss “apostle” from the root word sense of “sending,” building complex discussions […]
The Way of Cain
[This is part one of a three part series on the way of Cain, the error of Balaam, and the rebellion of Korah identified by Jude as a fundamental issue in the kingdom; from prophetic revelation for revival movements in Brasil and the US, and from apostolic decrees in Brasil and an apostolic meeting of […]
Word of the Lord, 2016, Fuller Version
2016 Brings 2015 Carryovers to Fulfillment First, 2016 is a carry over of what God was doing in 2015 and the two years cannot partitioned from one another. Last year, I saw license plates giving permission for ministries to return to their originating missions. All the plates had dates ending with “6” and God said […]
Word of the Lord for 2016
2016 Brings 2015 Carryovers to Fulfillment First, 2016 is a carry over of what God was doing in 2015 and the two years cannot partitioned from one another. Last year, I saw license plates giving permission for ministries to return to their originating missions. All the plates had dates ending with “6” and God said […]
In the kingdom, numbers do not often become the starting point of measuring our success. Numbers are not left out, and numbers have significance, but numbers seldom help us measure “success” when the measurement of success gages “purpose.” While God wants everybody, He never starts with everybody; God never measures success by how much of the crowd He can get involved. God measures success by people who produce His purposes.
For example, Abraham was “father of nations” but God didn’t measure his personal success by how many children Abraham produced, and even in the production of children, God only acknowledged Isaac as a measurement of “success.”
Ananias and Sapphira Accountability
It is impossible to separate this incident from its context: when visitation occurs, we deal with God on a more immediate and dramatic basis; His increased Presence and Glory comes in visitation, and visitation arrives with heightened contexts for judgment. Just as our prayers for miracles, signs and wonders meet with more immediate and dramatic responses of power, anointing, and breakthrough, so does all God’s character become more immediately and dramatically available.
Ecclesia as the “ekklesia”
Matthew 16 contains this discussion between Jesus and His disciples, a discussion that occurs naturally in the course of conversation about His identity. Recall this premise: the meaning of ekklesia comes from a dramatic discussion of Christ’s identity. Heading away from this context, the meaning of the word travels far, far afield of its origins and meaning.
Holy Criticism and Critical Holiness
Holiness is more about being “separated to” that being “separated from.” In this the difference resides the vast gulf between religious ugly and kingdom purity. In this distinction we find the fork in the road that leads to horrible misrepresentations of our holy God or healthy oneness among the saints (the holy ones).