The manner of Jesus in training His originating apostles reveals a context of addressing the entire culture of Israel on an oversight visit to determine how to reset the kingdom. Thus Christ carries on apostolic academia in the context of His life and ministry. He encounters the crowds and shares spiritual experiences with His leaders. He trains by doing, as Luke reports in both His Gospel and inspired report on the Acts of Holy Spirit: “all that Jesus began both to do and teach.”
Category: General
Three Practical Fathering Tips
Remember, you represent and partner with the Father. Do not represent yourself and partner with yourself in fathering lest you turn into a Pharaoh.
Authentic Oneness
Then, the entire system now dominating Earth will know that Jesus sent these representatives. In this way, the Ekklesia sets the agenda for spiritual warfare on the Earth and the heavenlies. In this way, a genuine response to God’s intentions is possible.
I’ll Leave This Test a Better Man, part 3
The test does not build character. The test reveals the character you build in the mundane of life.
I’ll Leave This Test a Better Man, part 2
Testing answers the question: “how much progress have we made toward the ultimate goal?” Since only the leader who designs the strategic process knows the ultimate goal, he remains the only person who can develop the tests.
I’ll Leave this Test a Better Man, Part 1
A test is an examination of the inner man that measures the strength of a man’s endurance for submission. Submission is endurance, and endurance is submission.
The Remnant Mindset
Remnant warriors approach warfare in ways that give the office-chair generals ulcers.
Prophetic Detox
Prophecy comes with risk. So do all the other aspects of spiritual reality. The risk of personal prophecy is vastly diminished when Holy Spirit remains fully involved in the entire process.
Kingdom Fathering
Your identity in Christ cannot lead you to your identity from Christ without trust, passion, submission, and obedience to the designed process. Identity begins with bonding with Christ, then bonding with the kingdom leadership design.
Pioneers, Don’t Play It Safe Now
Consider where you must be in October as your signal for what you are doing now. Do not measure your present boldness by the green-dusted pollen of spring. Picture yourself in the “dry-leaves scratching on pavement” changes of September.
The Missing Scarecrow
Then, the General stands and says, “Warriors do not entangle themselves. If we all become millionaires during this campaign, God will be pleased, but He will tolerate no entanglements. If the campaigns bring Him Glory, not us, and we are to be a Remnant like Gideon’s, we cannot win because of overwhelming force but finishing obedience.”
Elders in the Ekklesia
When we start the discussion, we attempt to “go back” to “Early Church” practices. We hope to find some extra-Biblical sources to help us determine what to do about choosing a leadership model. After having decided to ignore the Bible’s model for leadership, we conclude we need a model.
Father’s Revelation as Satan’s Conclusion
A pure revelation from Father, without proper prophetic process, becomes the basis for several horrifying errors, ending with the person receiving the revelation using the revelation to communicate satanic sentiments.
Intercession Next: Global Warring
When you live in and are assigned to a fathering nation, escape from international-level warfare is impossible.
Does Deuteronomy 18 Define False Prophets?
Moses has nothing to say about how to judge prophets. Moses discusses how God will replace him with another leader with an inerrant communication from face-to-face, Divinely-inspired speech, and how they will know if this person actually fills the bill.