Category: General

Revival and Riot: A Season of Contrast

Dr Don has been prophesying a season of Awakening in America for several years that would be marked by both revival and riot. The Awakening will bring holy riot to the kingdom and chaotic riot to the streets. Both aspects of this season are manifesting. Dr Don today: “A season of contrast has arrived. Strong […]

Word for Memphis Region

“Surely, I have set up a roadblock, a mercy barrier, in this region. Too many were walking into destruction and death, so I set up a roadblock to curb their rush to disaster. The roadblock completely closed the way forward, a dead end. The Remnant has been forming in this cul-de-sac. As Israel was detoured […]

Freely Receive, Freely Give

Never separate yourself into spirit, soul, and body in ways that perpetuate the myth that what happens physically is secular and what happens spiritually is sacred. Such a false dichotomy causes limitations at every level of your life. Perhaps these limitations advertise a false dichotomy most obviously in the area of giving. Understand that giving entails […]

Freely Receive, Freely Give

Never separate yourself into spirit, soul, and body in ways that perpetuate the myth that what happens physically is secular and what happens spiritually is sacred. Such a false dichotomy causes limitations at every level of your life. Perhaps these limitations advertise a false dichotomy most obviously in the area of giving. Understand that giving entails […]

Is America Under Judgment?

Considerable discussion is arising about judgment. Why this is a controversial subject escapes me. It would seem about as straightforward as grace…oh, wait, that is controversial as well! One of the reasons we get caught up in these discussions: the desire to make our systematic thinking walk on all fours, to reach a universal application […]

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