Category: General

What Prepares You for Giants, Part 7

Taking the Giant’s Head “Finishing the job” in terms of spiritual ‘execution’ is a hallmark of David’s leadership and the glaring inadequacy of Saul’s. David had a greater understanding of protecting the sheep than merely defending them from disaster; he wouldn’t even allow the loss of one little lamb. He didn’t drive the bear and […]

Meaning and Movements, “Latter Rain and Manifested Sons”, Part 2

By “latter rain” I mean that the best is saved for last. I mean that the prophetic picture of a harvest rain falling that brings what was planted and watered by early rains to a fuller harvest by a latter rain applies to the present circumstances of the kingdom of God. The rain that fell […]

Understanding Exceptionalism

You are exceptional. Everyone else is exceptional. Exceptionalism is a mark of your created destiny and identity. Uniqueness and exceptionalism have limits, however, and should not become excuses for refusing to be accountable or justifying bad behavior and disobedience. You aren’t exceptional in the sense of being the exception to every rule. We recognize and […]

Understanding Exceptionalism

You are exceptional. Everyone else is exceptional. Exceptionalism is a mark of your created destiny and identity. Uniqueness and exceptionalism have limits, however, and should not become excuses for refusing to be accountable or justifying bad behavior and disobedience. You aren’t exceptional in the sense of being the exception to every rule. We recognize and […]

Meaning and Movements: Latter Rain and Manifested Sons

Movements create the need for meaning as the message of the movement matures. Great moves of God are interpreted by the consequences of the experiences people have during the moments of personal encounter, and these consequences are often based upon an interpretation of Scripture that seems to fit the experience. The great revival movements of […]

Meaning and Movements: Latter Rain and Manifested Sons

Movements create the need for meaning as the message of the movement matures. Great moves of God are interpreted by the consequences of the experiences people have during the moments of personal encounter, and these consequences are often based upon an interpretation of Scripture that seems to fit the experience. The great revival movements of […]

Personal Purpose: Fulfilling Destiny

Continuing some thoughts from previous posts… The contributing factors to personal purpose include: created disposition, spiritual gifts, God’s path of personal experience, assigned leadership, calling, and assignment, leading to one’s life’s work. Every aspect of this personal purpose process, however, rising to its highest level through revelation, part of the SpiritFirst lifestyle. As well, every […]

Charismatic Existentialism – “I Define Myself and Destiny”

I believe we are at a discussion point concerning how God and the Bible view destiny and purpose fulfillment and how this generation has blended humanism and existentialism into their approach and experience of personal development. Our discussion will have a focus on the end results: “having the end in mind from the beginning.” The […]

Charismatic Existentialism – “I Define Myself and Destiny”

I believe we are at a discussion point concerning how God and the Bible view destiny and purpose fulfillment and how this generation has blended humanism and existentialism into their approach and experience of personal development. Our discussion will have a focus on the end results: “having the end in mind from the beginning.” The […]

Leaders Should Be Writing

Given the amazing level of technology available to modern man, leaders should be producing more coorespondence and written revelation. The opportunity to function in this way could hardly be avoided without conscious substitution of other priorities or a failure to recognize this discipline as a priority of leaders. Leaders should be writing. Here’s my thinking: […]

Leaders Should Be Writing

Given the amazing level of technology available to modern man, leaders should be producing more coorespondence and written revelation. The opportunity to function in this way could hardly be avoided without conscious substitution of other priorities or a failure to recognize this discipline as a priority of leaders. Leaders should be writing. Here’s my thinking: […]

How God Prepares You for Giants, Part 5

We could, perhaps, begin with David’s enemies – the human kind – by mentioning his father. When Samuel, the prophet, shows up to anoint a king among Jesse’s sons, David is conspicuously absent from the lineup. Now, this omission might be explained as simply as David’s location was too distant for a timely response to […]

The Problem with Personal Potential

The fundamental motivation of the believer’s life must be “the will of God,” or the what-God-wants experienced through revelation from God. Some discussion has been given for many generations to the question of whether any motivation outside this fundamental motivation is spiritually healthy, proper, or acceptable, but no one with a serious understanding of the Scriptures would […]

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