Category: General

Kingdom Leadership and Personal Destiny

Humanism promotes potential. Kingdom promotes purpose. Humanism deifies determination. Kingdom disciples destiny. Immediately you begin to apply grace like gravy on mashed tators upon personal potential, you are misappropriating spiritual provision. God is not investing grace into your life so you can be whatever you want to be. Grace is making you the person God […]

The Creator’s Celebration of Women

In the beginning, God created heavens and earth. From the emptiness and darkness, God began a process of differentiation between darkness and light, earth and sea, water above and below the atmosphere, living and non-living, birds, fish, animals, and between all things and man. Then, God made a higher differentiation in man who was created […]

The Creator’s Celebration of Women

In the beginning, God created heavens and earth. From the emptiness and darkness, God began a process of differentiation between darkness and light, earth and sea, water above and below the atmosphere, living and non-living, birds, fish, animals, and between all things and man. Then, God made a higher differentiation in man who was created […]

Representing the Gospel

The term used in Scripture for “preaching, announcing, proclaiming good news or Gospel” was appropriated as a more technical term for the preaching of the Gospel. Within that technical use is the thought of representing the Message as well as preaching it. As a follow up to how David was prepared to face giants, I […]

Representing the Gospel

The term used in Scripture for “preaching, announcing, proclaiming good news or Gospel” was appropriated as a more technical term for the preaching of the Gospel. Within that technical use is the thought of representing the Message as well as preaching it. As a follow up to how David was prepared to face giants, I […]

What Prepares You for Giants

Pondering how God prepares leaders for their next levels, I was awakened by a night vision in which I saw David’s arm, extended high and about to bring down Goliath’s sword in order to cut off the giant’s head. I was surprised by the thought that God doesn’t train giant-killers by having them face giants. […]

What Prepares You for Giants

Pondering how God prepares leaders for their next levels, I was awakened by a night vision in which I saw David’s arm, extended high and about to bring down Goliath’s sword in order to cut off the giant’s head. I was surprised by the thought that God doesn’t train giant-killers by having them face giants. […]

Preaching – a Unique Mode of Communication

I’ve noticed a trend in Christian television away from preaching as the mode of communication. I think that is good. Yes, I think that discovering, uncovering, producing and perfecting other ways of communicating the message of the kingdom is beneficial to our calling and commission to “disciple nations.” We should be producing excellent media presentations […]

Preaching – a Unique Mode of Communication

I’ve noticed a trend in Christian television away from preaching as the mode of communication. I think that is good. Yes, I think that discovering, uncovering, producing and perfecting other ways of communicating the message of the kingdom is beneficial to our calling and commission to “disciple nations.” We should be producing excellent media presentations […]

Divine Disruption

I’ve always had a hesitant about the adjective, “supernatural.” I have always felt like the word was implying that “natural” was the norm, the frame of reference, the “way things really are.” That is simply untrue. Of course, the term is not a bad word. I’m just referring to the background noise I have when […]

Divine Disruption

I’ve always had a hesitant about the adjective, “supernatural.” I have always felt like the word was implying that “natural” was the norm, the frame of reference, the “way things really are.” That is simply untrue. Of course, the term is not a bad word. I’m just referring to the background noise I have when […]

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