The atmosphere of narcissism moves the center to self much like ancient errors that Earth was the center. We live with a foggy mirror in our hands that reflects ourselves when we are narcissistic. It is foggy with false expectation. Paul says we should see Jesus in the foggy mirror, that beholding His Glory transforms […]
Category: General
False Expectations and Grieving a Phantom
The atmosphere of narcissism moves the center to self much like ancient errors that Earth was the center. We live with a foggy mirror in our hands that reflects ourselves when we are narcissistic. It is foggy with false expectation. Paul says we should see Jesus in the foggy mirror, that beholding His Glory transforms […]
Let’s Review our Prophetic Protocols Basics
We need to go back to basics with prophetic protocols. Really! We have to revisit the simplest aspects of revelatory experience. A season of maturing must come, and we must begin a proper dialogue of how prophetic ministry functions. We need to get a basic discussion going about the intentions of God in revelation, the […]
Let’s Review our Prophetic Protocols Basics
We need to go back to basics with prophetic protocols. Really! We have to revisit the simplest aspects of revelatory experience. A season of maturing must come, and we must begin a proper dialogue of how prophetic ministry functions. We need to get a basic discussion going about the intentions of God in revelation, the […]
Discipling and Fathering
Discipling is Jesus’ growth, and maturity strategy for personal and kingdom leadership. Discipling matures ordinary Christians into ministering leaders. Discipling is not a temporary or paranthentical aspect of spiritual growth; it is a pattern of relationship that matures as the people involved mature. In other words, we are always being discipled and discipling if we […]
Discipling and Fathering
Discipling is Jesus’ growth, and maturity strategy for personal and kingdom leadership. Discipling matures ordinary Christians into ministering leaders. Discipling is not a temporary or paranthentical aspect of spiritual growth; it is a pattern of relationship that matures as the people involved mature. In other words, we are always being discipled and discipling if we […]
Review of Word for this Season We are Closing
Review this word. We are entering into its last phase as we turn this year. Then, we will receive “fresh orders.” This word is being pressed into me and leaving an impression upon my spirit. As an emblem pressed into warm wax, each day the word presses a bit deeper, leaving a more clearly defined […]
Review of Word for this Season We are Closing
Review this word. We are entering into its last phase as we turn this year. Then, we will receive “fresh orders.” This word is being pressed into me and leaving an impression upon my spirit. As an emblem pressed into warm wax, each day the word presses a bit deeper, leaving a more clearly defined […]
Fasting Strengthens Your Will
The “will” is your ability to make decisions and stick with them. Fasting is one of God’s ways of strengthening your will. Fasting is a decision, and fasting requires a series of decisions every time the thing you are fasting becomes available. Fasting is an essential strategy to break addictive behaviors because addictions functions in […]
Fasting Strengthens Your Will
The “will” is your ability to make decisions and stick with them. Fasting is one of God’s ways of strengthening your will. Fasting is a decision, and fasting requires a series of decisions every time the thing you are fasting becomes available. Fasting is an essential strategy to break addictive behaviors because addictions functions in […]
Where is the Harvest?
Jesus defined “rich” with different terms, values of a different economy, and principles of exchange and harvest unique to His kingdom. Harvest occurs in everything, not just in crops and money. Natural resources, human resources, and spiritual resources all function with seedtime and harvest cycles. Jesus told a parable: a rich farmer had an unusually […]
Where is the Harvest?
Jesus defined “rich” with different terms, values of a different economy, and principles of exchange and harvest unique to His kingdom. Harvest occurs in everything, not just in crops and money. Natural resources, human resources, and spiritual resources all function with seedtime and harvest cycles. Jesus told a parable: a rich farmer had an unusually […]
Faithfulness Expands Authority
Faith has consequences. Our behavior and beliefs answer to one another. If we fail to act out the consequences of what we believe, we must ultimately deny or redefine our faith. Faithfulness speaks of our “fulfillment-of-faith,” of behavior and lifestyle that prioritizing life by arranging the highest and lowest and everything else in between. We […]
Faithfulness Expands Authority
Faith has consequences. Our behavior and beliefs answer to one another. If we fail to act out the consequences of what we believe, we must ultimately deny or redefine our faith. Faithfulness speaks of our “fulfillment-of-faith,” of behavior and lifestyle that prioritizing life by arranging the highest and lowest and everything else in between. We […]
Fathering and Destiny
The first words of the New Testament initialize the Gospel by sourcing Jesus to His generations: “Abraham was the father of Isaac.” Jesus became the God-man who could say, “Father is My father, and Abraham is My father, and David is My father.” At the same time, He could say, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” […]