Category: kingdom leadership

Primary and Premier Passion

If we were able to bring every person into a born again spiritual birth, the work of the Ecclesia wouldn’t be finished. Of course, evangels and people with a strong passion for winning souls tend to see this as the first or exclusive passion. Yet, this isn’t the premier or primary passion of Jesus but […]

Samuel and Kingdom Leadership

God only left one mantle of a prophet available. David was a prophet but he left a throne in place. Elijah’s mantle remains available because of the specific strategy of God to prepare The Lord a people who accurately anticipate what’s coming next. Samuel wasn’t really into the “prepare The Lord a people” thing. I […]

Apostolic and Prophetic Maturity

Jesus bestowed five aspects of His kingdom leadership strategy upon the Ecclesia at the time of His Ascension. These leadership dynamics were present in His own earthly ministry, and they remain His modus operandi right now. That is, Jesus still functions as Head of the Body and King of kings in the full function of […]

Harvesting Purpose

Leaders Harvest Purpose Matthew 9:36: “But when he saw the crowds, His inner man drew out a deep groan for them, because He saw they were grieved and distressed enough to pull out their hair, neglected as insignificant and without value as if they were sheep not having a shepherd.” Jesus’ discussions of “harvest” and […]

Do Not Despise Prophesying

Paul says, “Do not despise prophesying.” Why would he need to say such a thing? If prophesying is a spiritual capacity that all of us should seek, if prophesying reveals the secrets of men’s heart so they say, “God is among these people,” if prophesying is encouraging, edifying, and comforting, why would anyone ever despise […]

Get Your Leadership in Order

[The examples I use in this blog are not of people who live in my current home town or are part of my current ministry leadership. Of course, they may resemble some people that are, so I say this up front – they are not. The stories represent hundreds like them. I’m referring to patterns […]

Jesus Speaks Endurance to His Ecclesia

The parables Jesus uses to illustrate the days of ultimates for His generation teach us about endurance. The parables of Matthew 25 give His response to the destruction of Jerusalem He prophesies in Matthew 24. In way or another, we all see some parallels with other seasons of ultimates, generations that live through times when […]

The Passionate Love of God and Gays

God is love. Love is a trait of His character; so when His Glory is manifested, passionate love is revealed. What we often referred to God’s fire is often a manifestation of His passionate love. God is love. God is a consuming fire. His passionate love will burn up anything foreign to what He loves, […]

Specific Prayer Ministry, Spiritual Gift Capacities

The best way to minister SpiritFirst involves spiritual gift capacities as the primary means of determining strategy. Once we set the goal of operating and functioning by spiritual authority and power, we surrender to the work of Holy Spirit most easily through the spiritual gift capacities He has given us. This often sets up the […]

Specific Prayer Ministry

Many of our most important activities are ceremonial or programmed. That is, some things are so important that we tend to preplan them down to a word-by-word, moment-by-moment progression. Wedding and funerals tend to be like this, for good reason since what we are doing has such import to the people involved and the message […]

How Do You Know You Are Ready for the Next Level?

1 You demonstrate excellence at your present level even under pressure and against opposition. This level of demonstration comes by faithful and enduring application of gifts, anointing, authority, and power. 2 You know and understand the kingdom and Ecclesia in order to know and understand your assignment and function within them. 3 You are faithful […]

Not Many Fathers, Part 3

Fathers originate. Fathers provide leadership for what they originate. If we define “leadership” as “influence,” then fathers influence what they originate. Fathering, as God designed it, cannot be separated from any of the institutions of society without a personal, spiritual, and cultural breakdown. The Greek word for “family” is a variation of the word, “father.” […]

Not Many Fathers, Part 2

“Many teachers but not many fathers…” Fathers speak of origination, inheritance, DNA, and trans-generational purpose. Fathers properly produce through covenant. Father develop inheritors from true sons and daughters. Destiny discovery and fulfillment is one of the most vital and personal purposes of a fathering strategy. God designed destiny fulfillment with a fathering dynamic: “Train up […]

Living the Dream: Matching Your Dreams with Your Destiny

Dream literally means “sleep vision.” The oldest English form of the words means “joy, mirth, and music.” The other peek-English forms follow along the lines of “vision, deception, imaginations of a sleeping person,” and references to music, noise, and merriment. Perhaps, some of the words blend in a sense of drunkenness. At any rate, the […]

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