Category: personal destiny

The Pioneering Spirit, Part 2

Pioneering after Pentecost Many believers get a message of community from the conditions and behaviors they observe in the Early Church after Pentecost. That is not the message that dominates the landscape of the Ecclesia. The message that dominates the landscape screams pioneering. For example, the response of giving that is interpreted as communal is […]

The Pioneering Spirit

Jesus is our Pioneer. The NIV uses this term to translate Hebrews 12:2 with reference to running the race set before us. That is, to finishing the course that He designed and defined by His own pursuit of purpose. “Looking to Jesus, the Pioneer.” Pioneering isn’t something that fades into the setting sun as bygone […]

David the Sheepherder in the Valley of Giants, Part 4

Saul sits in his tent. The squeak of the polishing cloth, his armor bearer buffing his battlefield attire, irritates him because it reminds him that he is the one a head taller than anyone else in Israel, that he is the one the people chose to fight for them, that he is the only one […]

David the Sheepherder in the Valley of Giants, Part 3

David finds smooth stones in the valley. He carries none with him in the shepherd’s bag. Perhaps he didn’t anticipate the valley – it appears that he didn’t even know whole giant-defies-Israel scenario was going on when his father sent him to feed his critical brothers. He carried what a shepherd would carry but didn’t […]

David the Sheepherder in the Valley of the Giant, Part 2

God is showing off the preparation of David, not the giant; but Saul the king like the other nations, sees war with the eyes of the world: “You can’t face the giant because he has been preparing for battle for years. You haven’t had any preparation at all.” [Duh. Refer to previous posts about “How […]

Vetting Kingdom Leaders

“Vetting” was originally the use of the shortened term for a veterinarian applied to the action or activity associated with examining a racehorse to determine the animal’s condition prior to it participating in a race. The horse was said to have been “vetted” because of this veterinarian “OK.” In business, “vetted” means ‘a comprehensive and […]

Maturing the Prophetic Ministry

Defining terms, the “maturing” of ministry would involve moving it closer to its highest expression, effectiveness, and efficiency of design and intended purpose. Maturing moves us to a higher level of success when we define “success” by what the prophetic was design and bestowed upon the kingdom to provide in terms of leadership, revelation, and […]

Revival and Awakening: Passion for Purpose

God has eternal purposes, and He is passionate for His purposes. This is the way to understand His love, fire, Glory, power, and Word. Without this backdrop of intention, any one aspect of God and His ways may become a cul-de-sac. When revival arrives, some aspect of His passion for purpose will manifest, and that […]

Groaning in God’s Grip

I often see people prophetically as being “in the grip of God.” In this prophetic imagery, I sense that God has not only laid His hand on their lives, He has taken them into His grip. This level of Divine claim resembles the truest sense of “call” [kaleo] which means something deeper and greater than […]

Kundalini and Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit and the kundalini spirit are not the same, similar, or confusingly alike. In spite of some smear efforts by disgruntled people and leaders who are simply offended and filled with revenge and hatred, the comparisons made between them do not stand up to valid experience or to Scripture. The concept that some spirit […]

Primary and Premier Passion

If we were able to bring every person into a born again spiritual birth, the work of the Ecclesia wouldn’t be finished. Of course, evangels and people with a strong passion for winning souls tend to see this as the first or exclusive passion. Yet, this isn’t the premier or primary passion of Jesus but […]

Samuel and Kingdom Leadership

God only left one mantle of a prophet available. David was a prophet but he left a throne in place. Elijah’s mantle remains available because of the specific strategy of God to prepare The Lord a people who accurately anticipate what’s coming next. Samuel wasn’t really into the “prepare The Lord a people” thing. I […]

Apostolic and Prophetic Maturity

Jesus bestowed five aspects of His kingdom leadership strategy upon the Ecclesia at the time of His Ascension. These leadership dynamics were present in His own earthly ministry, and they remain His modus operandi right now. That is, Jesus still functions as Head of the Body and King of kings in the full function of […]

Harvesting Purpose

Leaders Harvest Purpose Matthew 9:36: “But when he saw the crowds, His inner man drew out a deep groan for them, because He saw they were grieved and distressed enough to pull out their hair, neglected as insignificant and without value as if they were sheep not having a shepherd.” Jesus’ discussions of “harvest” and […]

Do Not Despise Prophesying

Paul says, “Do not despise prophesying.” Why would he need to say such a thing? If prophesying is a spiritual capacity that all of us should seek, if prophesying reveals the secrets of men’s heart so they say, “God is among these people,” if prophesying is encouraging, edifying, and comforting, why would anyone ever despise […]

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